DigdayaTV Chaired by Hazmi Srondol Has Many Viewers

Topikdigital. The presence of Prabowo's TV named DigdayaTV attracted the attention of the public, one of which was why it was given the name "DigdayaTV", in terms of "Digdaya" has "Great or" Has Power ", but is there any other secret from choosing the word" Digdaya "as the name Television Prabowo

Hazmi Fitriyasa Padmosedono or often called "Hazmi Srondol" as a person who gave birth to DigdayaTV explained that the word DigdayaTV was from "Digital Garuda Yaksa" Television

"Digdaya, it stands for Digital Garuda Yaksa. Yaksa means Spirit. So DigdayaTV is Digital Television that has the spirit of Garuda, "Srondol said.

Srondol explained again that the choice of the name DigdayaTV had gone through several stages of small research both inside and outside the party.

"We want our television name to have 'soul' in addition to 'earcatching' or is easy and nice to hear when called by name. And DigdayaTV is our final choice, "he said

DigdayaTV is carrying out its duties as Prabowo Television, DigdayaTV very much creates excellent programs and one of them is about Prabowo's Speech, According to Srondol Prabowo's speech is in great demand by the community so that it has very high viewers

"Based on our observations, Mr. Prabowo's speech that we aired on live streaming always got the enthusiasm of the people. This shows that Pak Prabowo's speech became the superior content expected by the community, "said Srondol


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